CoronaFighter has evolved:
2 min readDec 16, 2020

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2020 has been a memorable year for everyone, not least for CoronaFighter. We have progressed from a simple open-source technology providing free Covid-19 screening, to a fully POPI and GDPR compliant enterprise access management solution allowing large corporations to provide a safe place for all returning employees, contractors and visitors.

We started CoronaFighter to provide a tool to assist companies returning to work during 2020 with a safe and effective means to contain the virus and keep their working environments safe. After 9 months of learning and exciting growth, we bring the knowledge and experience of our founding team to the access management world.

The great Lockdown of 2020 (as it will most probably be known for the decades to come) has forced everyone to rethink access management within the workplace. Gone are the days of using biometrics such as fingerprints and other contact-based and invasive products to authenticate people.

December vacation time is almost in full swing. Whatever your plans for the festive season we wish you well but please be responsible by wearing a mask, washing your hands and playing your part in reducing the spread of the virus.

Stay safe!
The LetMeIn team

And now for some public-holiday reading:

Mr Marc Wetselaar
South African tech startup raises R2.2-million
President Ramaphosa
President Ramaphosa’s full speech on festive season COVID-19 restrictions
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Vaccines



The future of people flow software. Elevating access & visitor management to a beautiful experience.